ADOBE filling is used on various external and internal surfaces: wooden beams, brick bricks, stone masonry, straw, reed mat/panel, clay panels, and also on built-in heating, can arry with network, etc. It is made of clay, long straw and different sands. Apply in a thickness of up to 15 cm in several layers (standard 3) and only available in 1 tonne-BIG BAG (15 m²)
ADOBE Plaster is made of clay, shorter and thinner straw and various sand. Used to correct various, bumps, dents and cracks in the walls and can be applied in thickness up to 5 cm in 2 layers. Packaging: BIG BAG of 1 ton or 25 kg bags. Consumption: according to thickness
Application: Filling-Manual; Plaster-manual/machined. Add 8 litres of water every 25 kg. Drying: 5-7 days. Operating temperature + 10/+ 30 с º
Clay plaster with straw-gallery: