Particle Boards (CHIPBOARD), which since the middle of the twentieth century are one of the most frequently used constructive materials for the production of furniture. They are made by hot pressing of large particles up to 20 mm long, mixed with a binder (glue). CHIPBOARD is more resistant than natural wood due to formaldehyde (a strong carcinogen) contained in the binder.
In the recent past CHIPBOARD have emitted free formaldehyde in large quantities, extremely harmful to human health. Today we produce CHIPBOARD from the so-called. Emission class E1 which are considered safe. The Boards of class E2 emit a greater amount of free formaldehyde and are used only with additional surface coating. The most dangerous are CHIPBOARD of class Е3, which are stopped from production in many countries. In the furniture production the widest application is found CHIPBOARD, covered with natural veneer or paper foils, imbued with melamine resins. From synthetic materials for furniture recommended is MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), because it is produced from low quality wood and is relatively more harmless to man and nature.
Mold and biotoxins are constantly increasing, and we should not underestimate them. Their spores in the air (e.g. Candida albicans) Attack the immune system, some are also more dangerous. It is important to use breathable materials, to reduce excess moisture, to ventilate. The problem is especially relevant if after the finishing works in our home there is a huge amount of toxic fumes.
Natural paints contain water, vegetable oils, milk casein, essential oils, natural minerals like clay and limestone. They are completely harmless, do not cause allergies, do not have an unpleasant odor and are environmentally friendly. Also allow the pores on the wall to continue to filter the air.
Wood floors and furniture can be covered with plant-based oils – a healthy, durable and beautiful alternative to strong varnishes. It is preferable to flooring and furniture from a real wood, which is not treated with toxic varnishes and pesticides against wood-eater. Fortunately there are already no dangerous for human preparations for the treatment of wood.
The tiles, wooden flooring and parquet are considered harmless.
Sources of information and graphic material:
The IBN Institut fuer Baubiologie (Building Biology) & Oekologie, Biohomeshop, Association for construction with natural materials, ModeCell, Econest, Energy Assessment of a Straw Bale Building: Carol Atkinson, Inhabitat