Indoor Air Quality (Indoor air Quality-IAQ). A term from Building Biology, which concerns the purity/pollution of the air in the home, office, shop, school, Kids Club, etc. from harmful chemicals and gases: volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde, benzene, radon. Air quality also includes the presence/absence of biological contaminants such as mold, moulds and mites caused by improper ventilation and moisture. The air quality is directly related to the health and comfort of the occupants of the premises.

Volatile Compounds (Volatile Organic Compounds-VOCs). VOCs is collectively for chemical compounds, almost all of which are harmful to humans, which evaporate into the air, from where we inhale them and are constantly in contact with them. Many of them are toxic and extremely dangerous for health, for example benzene and formaldehyde, strong carcinogens. They are contained and are broadcasted by most ordinary products made of synthetic materials such as cleaners, new furniture and carpets, building materials, paints, varnishes and adhesives, as well as cigarette smoke.

Sources of information and graphic material:

The IBN Institut fuer Baubiologie (Building Biology) & Oekologie, Biohomeshop, Association for construction with natural materials, ModeCell, Econest, Energy Assessment of a Straw Bale Building: Carol Atkinson, Inhabitat
